About the Project

Work Packages

The Energy IN TIME project work plan is divided into nine work packages:

WP1: Requirements and System Architecture
In this WP, target end-users and buildings requirements and needs will be analysed and identified. The system architecture and Energy IN TIME specifications will also be defined. A data acquisition methodology and the guidelines for the composition of a communication platform will be created.

WP2: Simulation Reference Model
This Work Package is focused on the development of advanced simulation tools for the analysis and characterization of buildings: identifying their systems, use, occupancy as a prior phase in their management and optimized control. A forecast tool to determine user behaviour evolution and occupancy schedules will also be designed that will be used to design the system models.

WP3: Whole building Intelligent Control System
This Work Package aims to develop an intelligent control system for whole-building energy optimization algorithms that have the capability to adjust set-points for energy equipment to be adapted to occupancy and weather loads through their predictions, minimizing energy consumption while maintaining indoor comfort conditions. Furthermore, the control system will take into account the variations in building operating conditions to provide corrective actions to counteract the effect of component and system-level fault.

WP4: Diagnosis and Continuous Commissioning
This Work Package will develop procedures and algorithms for the detection and diagnosis of faults at system and equipment level. A methodology for Continuous Commissioning will be defined. The procedures for the establishment of a predictive maintenance system will be developed.

WP5: Energy Decision Support Tool
The Energy IN TIME project will be a potent tool for energy decision making because of the large amount of data gathered from different buildings, systems, devices, facilities, etc. All this information will be integrated in an information repository and a decision support tool designed through analysis and data exploitation.

WP6: System Integration and Pilot-Scale Validation
The objective of this Work Package will be the integration of the developments obtained from the previous WPs to generate the Energy IN TIME solution, including software tools and equipment. A system validation at laboratory scale will be developed in this WP.

WP7: Demonstration
The objective of this WP is to implement the designed and developed systems in various different types of buildings located in regions with different climate conditions. A period of 2 years has been estimated for solution implementation and monitoring data processing and performance evaluation of the systems.

WP8: Dissemination & Exploitation.
The aim of this WP is to ensure that the project meets its goal and overall objectives of exploitation and dissemination activities. Dissemination activities include media, conferences and publications. An Exploitation Plan will be developed to allow the sustainability of the project beyond its life. The focus for the dissemination of the results of the project will be European countries.

WP9: Coordination
The aim of this WP is to ensure an effective coordination allowing the project to meet its goals and overall objectives